Arleston Neighbourhood Watch - Best Neighbour 2021

We thought we would launch our very own competition to find Arleston's "Best Neighbour 2021" to coincide with "Neighbourhood Watch Week"

We launched the competition via our social media channels and asked for residents to send in their nominations to us via our Facebook page. Entrants had to name who they wanted to nominate and why their neighbour should be named as "Best Neighbour".

We received several nominations, which was fantastic! 

We were pleasantly surprised by some of the reasons as to why nominee's had been nominated. It felt great to be launching such a lovely competition after such a difficult year that we have all been through.

First nomination 

Our first nomination was received by Claire Goonan who wanted to nominate Sarah Jayne Davies as "Best Neighbour". Claire's reasons for nominating Sarah were as follows:

Hi I would like to nominate Sarah Davies for the best neighbour award. She is always happy to help out any one. She helped out a women and kids locked out of their house. She helped me with trying to set up baby group a few years ago. She always chatting to all in the community and is kind and considerate to all children and parents at park regardless of there background.

Well done Sarah Jayne for being nominated by  Claire! 

So nice to hear that you are always happy to help anyone out!

Second nomination 

Our next nomination was received from Louise Badger who wanted to nominate her neighbour, Emma.  Louise nominated Emma for the following reason:

Hi, I would like to nominate a fellow neighbour for "Best Neighbour" 2021. I would like to nominate Emma as my mother died last year, when the pandemic was rampant! We were all confused with what was going on in the world.

Emma let me know that she was there if I needed her, so I didn't feel quite so alone in my journey of grief. 

Well done Emma for making sure that Louise knew that you were there for her if she needed you. 

Third Nomination 

The next nomination that came in to us was from Louise Williams who wanted to nominate Sarah Jayne Davies as the "Best Neighbour".

Louise nominated Sarah due to the following reasons below:

I would love to nominate Sarah Jayne Davies for the best neighbour please.

She goes out of her way every day to help people of Elmwood Road and to ensure it's kept clean.

Every week I see her de-weeding, sweeping up, picking up litter on the communal car park area.

Every week she puts all the neighbours bins out, and brings them back in. She doesn't have or need to do this but she always does. She does this for 3 house holds every week without fail! So many times we all would miss the bin men if it weren't for Sarah.

Any neighbours in distress, go to Sarah for help due to her kind nature.

Last week she stood out in the pouring rain for hours helping a neighbour get into her house as she was locked out.

Another neighbour lost their dog and she used her cctv to find which way the dog went which helped them get their beloved dog back.

She saw an act of intimidation on the park and stepped in to offer support.

When we walk our dogs together up limekiln Lane, she picks up other dog poo bags that have been left on trees and puts them in the bin.

If parcels have been left on people's drives she takes them in so they don't get taken, and brings them back when she can see someone is home.

I have had many neighbours and Sarah by far is one of a kind. She goes above and beyond with her kindness and always likes to please and help people. People like Sarah are very rare in life and she should definitely be given the recognition she deserves.

If only there were more Sarah's!

Well done Sarah for being recognised for your kindness as a neighbour within our community! As Louise has mentioned already, if only we had more Sarah's in this world! The world would be a worry free place fo live! 

Fourth nomination 

Our next nomination that came in, was also for Sarah Jayne Davis! 

On this occasion, Sarah was nominated by fellow neighbour, Alan. Alan nominated Sarah due to the reasons below:

I'd add my vote to Sarah, she was quick to welcome us to the street. Sarah also stood by me when I had to confront a gang of around 30 kids who'd been banging on my door. I helped her get the neighbours door open, she's quite the burglar! lol, but seriously she is lovely and very deserving of an award.

Well done Sarah! It really is fantastic to hear that you have been setting a good example to others in how you help our local community.

Fifth nomination

We also received another nomination for Sarah Jayne Davis by a local lady called Toni

I would like to add my vote to Sarah too she was quick to help us when we moved in and also another neighbour who got locked out of her house. 

We were so amazed that we received 4 separate nominations for Sarah! Well done Sarah, you certainly have demonstrated that you are an amazing neighbour to those who live in our community! 

Sixth nomination 

The next nomination that we have received was for Martin & Kimberley. Julie got in touch with us to nominate this couple and explained the reasons why she wanted to nominate them as best neighbours.

I would like to nominate my neighbours Martin and Kimberley. My husband was diagnosed with cancer at the end of January they have been such a good support to us. Always checking if I needed shopping or just bringing a bunch of flowers to cheer me up. My husbands cancer took hold and he passed away beginning of May. 

Without my neighbours I would have struggled so much more. My husband Mark asked them to look after me and they have excelled. They are like our own children to us. Even their 13 year old daughter called with flowers and chocolate to cheer me up after Marks passing. She used her own pocket money. Without their help and support, I would be in a far worse state than I am. So I would like to nominate them for your good neighbour award as they are not just good they are excellent.

Our thoughts go out to Julie and her family and friends on the sad news that Mark has passed away. 

Special mention to Martin & Kimberley who have been a massive support to mark's wife Julie, during the past 6 months. It's lovely to hear that you were there for Julie in her time of need. Well done to you both. 

Seventh nomination

Our last nomination was sent to us by Sophie Griffiths. Sophie explained why she would like to nominate her neighbour Debbie Neal.

I would like to nominate Debbie for best neighbour. She gets our bins in every week for us, organises the window cleaner for the street, anytime she went shopping during last years lockdown she would ask if we needed anything, always gets our girls something for Xmas, Easter and birthdays, she's also a Foster carer. She is the mother hen of the street and we love her to pieces

Thank you 

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to send us a nomination for this competition.

It really is fantastic to see that members of our community are helping others during their time of need. 

We hope to see more examples of good neighbours in the future. 

We couldn't choose just one winner from those who were nominated! 

We think that you will agree, everyone who has been nominated are all worthy winners of this award! 

Well done to you all for being recognised as "Best Neighbour 2021"


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